Our 10-Year Vision

More than anything else, our church is focused on one thing: We exist to draw people into a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It fuels every decision we make, every ministry we have, and every service we hold. We believe that Jesus has made it possible for us to know God, and we want to share that good news with as many people as we possibly can. To that end, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to become debt-free as a church by 2031. It’s not so we can take it easy; it’s not so we can rest and get comfortable. We’re going to sacrifice as a group of people to eliminate our mortgage so that we can invest even more money into reaching people, funding ministries, supporting missionaries, and helping families.

Or basically, moving our mission as far as we can, as fast as we can.

And we’d love to invite you to be a part of the journey. Below you’ll find past messages explaining all the details, more information about how we plan to achieve this goal and how far we’ve come already, plus a link for you to give and be a part of what God is doing in our church.






by the numbers

We understand that paying off $2.2 million dollars of debt in 10 years or less is an agressive plan of action. However, when we partner together, the goal is completely achievable. Below we’ve laid out some numbers to help give an idea of what we can accomplish as a church.

1 goal

10 years

100 people

1000 dollars extra/year

10,000 people in our community

100,000 dollars towards ministry and not mortgage

1,000,000 saved in interest payments

When we attack this together, things start to fall into place. For most of us, $1000 a year extra is within the realm of possibility. After all, that works out to be less than $20 a week. However, you can still be a part even if that amount isn’t possible in your budget. We believe that God can take anything we give and supernaturally stretch it to accomplish His work. All we need to do is give sacrificially and trust Him with the rest.

since feb. 2021

$570k given towards the goal

$1,000,000 of debt paid off

$1.2M remaining (out of $2.2M)

2025 results


(out of $100k goal by end of April)

Make a difference.

Every year, our goal is to raise $100k to pay down our debt. You can be a part of Move the Mission by giving to support this initiative. All we ask is that anything you give is over and above your normal giving.

When giving with the link below, please be sure to select “Move the Mission” next to the amount you give so we can properly allocate your generosity.